
East African Community expands with admission of Somalia

Tuesday December 19 2023
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A cover image with Somalia's President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud. PHOTO | COURTESY

By East African Community

After more than a decade of intense lobbying, Somalia has been admitted into the East African Community (EAC). After ratification by the Somali Federal Parliament, the membership will become official, making it the eighth member of the EAC.

According to Somalia's President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, the journey to this new status has been characterised by resilience, perseverance, and an unwavering belief in the power of regional unity and cooperation.

"As Somalia joins the East African Community, we are not merely entering a regional bloc; we are joining a family of nations, bound by the principle of "one people, one destiny united in shared goals and visions. Our mission is to fortify the bonds of friendship, contribute to collective prosperity, and actively participate in shaping a future that is brighter for all our peoples": says President Hassan 

What does Somalia bring?

For more details, please see attached