Nile breweries website hacked, brewer confirms

A hacker has posted a video on the Nile Breweries website demanding that it releases to the public a classified formula of one of their beer products. FILE PHOTO | NMG

What you need to know:

  • Nile Breweries Limited has said it is taking swift action to regain control over its website.

Uganda beer company Nile Breweries Limited has said it is taking swift action to regain control over its website after it was hacked Tuesday Morning.

The company’s website was hacked between 10 am -11am on Tuesday, and all its content deleted.

The hacker posted a video on the website demanding that the company, one of Uganda top beer producers, releases to the public a classified formula of one of their beer products within 24 hours.

The hacker threatened to release the said formula when the ultimatum expires.

The company’s Legal and Corporate affairs manager Mr Onapito Ekomoloit in a statement released on Tuesday confirmed the hack on their website and said that they were taking the matter “very seriously”. He said that the brewer was “moving quickly” to establish the details.

“We have mobilised a response team and we will provide further updates as soon as the information we receive is verified,” Mr Onapito said.