Building a robust forex trading strategy for East African markets

Forex trading in Africa has become more popular as digital infrastructure has improved.

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Forex is the trading of one currency against another. Markets in Africa have typically been overlooked in this area. However, they can provide unique opportunities. In this article, we discuss forex in Africa. 

East African markets have the eyes of the world on them. They pose several investment opportunities due to their burgeoning economies. Yet, forex has often concentrated on other, more well-known assets like the USD and EUR. In this article, we discuss how to build a robust forex trading strategy for East African markets. 

Start by understanding forex

Before starting your journey, it helps to understand forex. It is different from any other type of trading and comes with its own terminology, characteristics, strengths, and weaknesses. Unlike most markets, it operates 24 hours a day, five days a week. Its daily trading volume is above $6 trillion. 

When you trade in forex, you trade based on the value of one currency against another. This uses exchange rates. You buy one currency and sell it when it rises in value, though in a more complex manner. Thus, trades are made in currency pairs. You may see them as EUR/USD or GBP/USD and so forth. 

Currencies often only move by marginal amounts. Some are also much more stable than others. For example, the Japanese yen is traditionally seen as a stable currency and often used to hedge against changes elsewhere. Because these changes are so marginal, they are measured in decimal amounts known as pips. 

Because of these changes, using leverage is common in forex trading. This allows traders to borrow money from a broker, holding larger positions with smaller initial funds. This can increase profits but can also lead to bigger losses. 
All of this is a very quick overview of forex trading. Before you start trading from any location, you need to do the research. It may not be the right kind of investment for you. You should be able to answer the question “What is forex trading?” inside out before putting any of your capital forward. 

Factors unique to forex trading in Africa 

Any sort of trading in Africa comes with a degree of risk. Markets are volatile and prone to change at any moment. However, like any trading or investment, risk often reaps the best reward. Prepare yourself for this and settle back for a wild ride. 

The biggest advantage of forex trading on global markets from Africa is its timezone. The day begins ahead of London and after Wall Street. This puts African traders in a very unique position when trading on global forex. It allows them to tap into the patterns of international markets in a way others would struggle to do. 

Another advantage of trading forex when based in Africa is its liquidity. Forex allows you to get in and out whenever you like, as it is a 24-hour market. This can be a great advantage when trading on volatile currencies. 

Forex trading in Africa has become more popular as digital infrastructure has improved. Mobile connectivity and increased usage have allowed more people to use trading platforms.

Forex has attracted people as it can be used with lower startup amounts when leverage is added to yield large results. The proliferation of online education regarding forex now available to people in Africa has also made it popular. 

Finally, Africa’s economies themselves have grown in popularity as a place in which forex trading can take place. These developing nations are increasingly integrating themselves into global markets, especially in larger nations like Nigeria and South Africa. Their currencies offer a unique proposition. 

Tips for building a forex trading strategy in East Africa

Building a forex strategy in East Africa is not that different from anywhere else. However, you do have to account for volatility. This is firstly in its own markets if that is what you are trading on. Using a reliable forex broker is best for this, who will execute transactions quickly and efficiently. If not, you may be left out of pocket. Do your research and find one with great reviews and testimonials. 

A second factor to consider is the availability of digital infrastructure. If you are in an area where you often lose connectivity, more medium- to long-term trading strategies could be better for you. If you are in a major city where connections are good, this may not matter so much. 

You should always do a few months of forex trading using demo accounts. They will provide you with a certain amount of fake credit, with which to essentially pretend to invest in forex. This will allow you to get used to the way forex works, develop your own level of risk, and see if it is the right trading method for you. With the correct education, you may just find forex is perfect for your investing needs.