
Great Museum of Africa to preserve, promote heritage

Tuesday March 22 2022
Africa Museum

The AU headquarters. Algiers will host the Africa museum. PHOTO | COURTESY


The Great Museum of Africa, to be hosted in Algiers, Algeria, will be launched in 2023 as part of the first 10-year implementation plan of the African Union's 50-year continental development Agenda 2063. The museum will showcase, protect and promote the rich cultural heritage found on the continent.

Cessouma Minata Samate, the AU Commissioner for Health, Humanitarian Affairs and Social Development said; “this has been a landmark year. We are launching the temporary site of the Great Museum of Africa, which will serve as a focal point institution and implement its activities before a permanent site is built and operational,” adding... we are continuously exploring how to strategically share key messages related to the protection, promotion and preservation of Africa’s rich cultural and natural heritage that is key to our development.”

The AU has introduced continental policy instruments to promote and develop this sector.

Angela Martins, AU Head of Culture Division, pointed out the significant contribution of arts, culture and heritage to the integration of the continent, to the socio-economic development and poverty alleviation and social inclusion.

Taking ownership

“A sign of greater things to come as we look to continue this journey with us and promote this important sector further, to ensure it contributes to implementation and aspirations of the AU Agenda 2063 in including its 5th Aspiration, which focuses on arts, culture and our heritage,” she added.


Ms Samate said AU Commissioner for Health, Humanitarian Affairs and Social Development, emphasized the need to promote and profile Africa’s arts, culture and heritage, in which the Great Museum of Africa is set to play an important role.

Nawel Dahmani, chairperson of the Technical and Advisory Committee of the Great Museum of Africa said, “we hope to realise this within the set time frame and begin to take ownership of our history as we make more history for the future.”
